December 2023 in the Garden
Following on from our plunge into evergreen viburnums in November, I thought it appropriate to continue delving into UBC Botanical Garden’s vast collection of broad-leaved evergreens. The rhododendron family, Ericaceae, is a good place to start for December. Rhododendron is a veritable treasure-trove of assets in the Garden, and when not flowering, provides a verdant […]
UBC Botanical and Nitobe Memorial Garden join PaRx National Nature Prescription program
In Vancouver, PaRx has partnered with another major organization to improve access to nature for those who need it most. Beginning this month, the University of British Columbia Botanical Garden and Nitobe Memorial Garden are offering unlimited free admission to patients who display a copy of their PaRx prescription and matching ID at the gate.
Sunflowers’ invisible colours help them attract bees and adapt to drought
Jan 18, 2022 | For more information, contact Peter Meiszner It turns out sunflowers are more than just a pretty face: the ultraviolet colours of their flowers not only attract pollinators, but also help the plant regulate water loss, according to new UBC research. The dense collection of yellow petals of a sunflower (technically an […]
Learning from Mycorrhizal Networks to Inform UBC Campus Landscape Design Strategies
Student Nick Mantegna explores how UBC campus spaces can improve resiliency and biodiversity through biomimicry—the practice of applying nature’s design to sustainably solve human design challenges.
Birding at the Botanical Garden: Adapting to the Impacts of COVID-19
During regular operations, UBC Botanical Garden hosts Nature Vancouver’s monthly bird surveys, but the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent closing of the Garden earlier this year disrupted this citizen science project’s progress and data.
Maples Turning Red: one in five maple species are at high risk of extinction
One in five maple species are at high risk of extinction. Only concerted conservation efforts will prevent their extinction.
Associate Director Dr. Tara Moreau Collaborates to Publish Articles from Crop Diversity Symposium
The special issue was released by Crop Science for November-December 2019 was inspired by the crop wild relatives symposium in Des Moines, Iowa. Dr. Tara Moreau, Associate Director, Sustainable Communities, at UBC Botanical Garden co-authored three papers in the special issue.
To Save Biodiversity and Feed the Future, First Cure “Plant Blindness”
Much attention focused on loss of animals – particularly the rhinos and other large charismatic ones. But the decline of plants should be just as unnerving.
Gardens as spaces for relaxation and restoration
Dr. Mohamed Elsadek, Dr. Minkai Sun, Ryo Sugiyama, and Eijiro Fujii look into the restorative potential of gardens.
How sustainability education can shift attitudes towards the environment
Ivana Zelenika, Dr. Tara Moreau, Oliver Lane, and Dr. Jiaying Zhao investigate the effects of attending our Sustainable Communities Field School.