Books, Volumes & Apps


In addition to the scientific papers by UBC Botanical Garden researchers and staff and the peer-reviewed research and other scholarly items of interest published in Davidsonia – A Journal of Botanical Garden Science, UBC Botanical Garden researchers and staff also author or edit the occasional book, volume, or app:

Douglas Justice, Steven Clarke, Daniel Mosquin and Karin England, Vancouver Trees App (launched 2015)
Quentin Cronk (2009) Molecular Organography 268 pages, Oxford University Press, USA.
• Ruth Stockey, Sean Graham, and Peter Crane (Eds) (2009) Charles Darwin Bicentennial special issue: The abominable mystery. American Journal of Botany, published by the Botanical Society of America
• Anne Bruneau and Sean Graham (Eds) (2008). Plant systematics at the species level/La systématique des plantes au niveau de l’espèce. Botany, published by NRC Press.
Sean Graham and Anne Bruneau (Eds) (2008). The state of plant systematics research/L’état de la systématique des plantes. Botany, published by NRC Press.
Peter Wharton, Brent Hine, and Douglas Justice (2005) The Jade Garden: New and Notable Plants from Asia 300 pages, Timber Press, USA.
Quentin Cronk, Rick Ree, Iain Taylor, and Jeannette Whitton (Eds) (2004) Plant Adaptation: Ecology and Molecular Biology NRC Press, Ottawa
Quentin Cronk, Richard Bateman and Julie A Hawkins (Eds)(2002) Developmental Genetics and Plant Evolution 564 pages, 100 b\w illus., 19 tabs. Taylor and Francis, UK; Garland, USA.
Quentin CB Cronk and Janice L Fuller (2001) Plant Invaders: The Threat to Natural Ecosystems 241 pages, b/w photos, illus., tabs, maps. Earthscan, UK. (2nd edition, 1st edition 1995).
Quentin Cronk (2000) The Endemic Flora of St Helena 119 pages, 25 col. plates, b/w photos. Anthony Nelson, UK.