Group Experiences and Tours
Explore our many gardens and discover the wonders of plants, people and biodiversity!
Horticulture Training Program
Interested in a career in horticulture, gardening, forestry or landscape architecture? Application deadline for 24/25 is March 31st, 2024.
Sustainable Communities Field School
The Sustainable Communities Field School (Field School) aims to advance sustainability, climate action and education across diverse groups and communities.
Educator Resources
Check out our Garden and educator designed resources, as well as many additional recommended resources, to take your Garden experience
Community Outreach Program
The Community Outreach Program works with community partners to foster human connection to plants, people and places through hands-on learning
Local Gardens Growing Global Goals: A Story Map
Learn how UBC Botanical Garden incorporates Sustainable Development Goals into Garden tours in this interactive toolkit.
Ask your questions (and learn from others!) through our online plant and gardening community.
Hortline Advice
Our information line is open year-round and answered Wednesdays from 12 pm to 3 pm.
Vancouver Trees App
Your go-to resource for information on cultivated trees in the Metro Vancouver area.