Garden Blog

UBC Botanical Garden proudly introduces Ms. Dee Ann Benard as its newest Director

Posted on January 18, 2024 by jendougl

 “Dee Ann is a strategic leader with an entrepreneurial edge,” said Dr. Meigan Aronson, Dean of UBC Science, citing Ms. Benard’s experience in guiding non-profit organizations through rebranding, fundraising, and community and industry engagement. “She has particular strength in building networks and connecting participatory groups, skills which will benefit the Garden and the communities it […]
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October in the Garden 2023

Posted on November 10, 2023 by Garden Communications

October is often the best month to see berries and other colourful fruits in the Botanical Garden.
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September in the Garden 2023

Posted on October 13, 2023 by Garden Communications

In the Garden, September is frequently just an extension of August. It might be a little cooler, and maybe the weather systems move a little faster, but this month often still feels like summer.
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August in the Garden 2023

Posted on September 4, 2023 by Garden Communications

Here we are in another dry summer. Straw-coloured lawns greet us when we arrive at the Garden.
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All the Ways We Water the Garden: Strategic and smart watering practices taken from UBC Botanical Garden

Posted on July 12, 2023 by Allison Luke, Principal Instructor of the Horticulture Training Program

As gardeners, we’re always looking for ways of getting water to our plants more efficiently, with less hassle and in less time. And hopefully, using less water too. We’re going to take a peek ‘behind the curtain’ here at UBC Botanical Garden and show you some of our irrigation systems (we use many of the […]
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