5 responses to “The Garden welcomes Celeste Snowber as our new Artist in Residence”

  1. Eimear O'Neill

    Lovely to see you continue to integrate arts and ecological awareness in the service of one Earth community, Celeste! Will visit to catch a performance when i am in BC

  2. Eimear O'Neill

    Lovely to come across your name and latest work, Celeste!
    If I’m in Vancouver I’ll make sure to catch a performance!
    I continue to integrate arts-based methods into work in transformative education and collective healing.

  3. Jin Thindal

    Love the poem. A great reminder of all that we forget that is right under our feet or inches away from our hands yet we often fail to see fully because of our everyday rush to just get things done. I’ll think about this poem when I mow the lawn and now not curse the moss that does its own thing and allows only some grass blades to come through. It’s all for a reason no doubt.
    Thank you Dr Snowber!
    Much appreciated!

  4. Holly Bright

    Fabulous initiative! Fabulous artist. I love her connecting dance poems with written poems and the land.

  5. Paula Harrop


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