2 responses to “Nitobe Curator Profile: Ryo Sugiyama”

  1. Garden Communications

    Hello Barbara, thank you for your inquiry. We would recommend that you submit your question to our Garden Forums page, as our horticulturists and other plant enthusiasts in the community are answering similar questions there and will be able to advise you more specifically. Here is the Garden Forums website:https://forums.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/ Hope this helps.

  2. Barbara Heller


    Bruce and Margaret Stuart gave me your name and praised your expertise. I live 2 blocks from them in the UEL. This house has an atrium and there are 3 large plants in there, 2 of which are red maples. They are getting very large
    (2 stories high) and I am not sure whether to prune them or how much to prune them. Will their roots invade the house? I would love some advice.

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