Proclaimed by the United Nations, May 22 is the International Day for Biological Diversity, marking the adoption of the Convention of Biological Diversity on May 22, 1992. The theme for 2019 focuses on “Our Biodiversity, Our Food, Our Health.”
Recognizing the significance and value of conserving biodiversity, UBC Botanical Garden maintains a collection of over 30,000 plants of which there are nearly 5000 kinds. In total, this makes up approximately 8000 individual records of plants from temperate regions around the world.
Ensuring the health and maintaining the records of such a sizable collection is a challenging undertaking. Over the past few years, our team has been hard at work creating a database for our collections. This new interactive tool, Garden Explorer, allows staff to consolidate plant information, including geolocations for specific plantings and the opportunity to share our diverse collections with the public.
Experience Garden Explorer. Learn more about our collections.